How is Curreri Educational Consulting different from other college admissions consultants?
Navigating the rapidly-changing college admissions process can feel overwhelming. Curreri Educational Consulting guides students and their families to implement developmentally appropriate strategies that can reduce anxiety and help students reach their educational goals. Through its unique methodology, range of services, and its strong team, CEC focuses on early and thorough preparation, as it is the best way for students to master the process of choosing, applying for and gaining admission to their best-fit schools.
Proven Track Record. CEC’s record of success demonstrates that 98% of our students are admitted to their first or second choice schools. Guided by Karen’s expertise in developmental counseling, our team of consultants, tutors, executive functioning coaches, educational therapists, and editors are dedicated to helping students reach their fullest personal and academic potential and to facilitate a positive experience for the whole family. In short, our goal is to help students become successful, self-confident and happy human beings.